26.09.2024 |

Abkürzungen und Fachbegriffe im englischen Recht

Alphabetische Übersicht der Abkürzungen für Gerichte, Organisationen, Verbände und juristische Fachbegriffe in England

ABI                     Association of British Insurers (www.abi.org.uk)

ABS                    Alternative Business Structures (Organisationsformen für Kanzleien)

ACL                     Association of Costs Lawyers (www.associationofcostslawyers.co.uk)

ADR                    Alternative Dispute Resolution

AML                   anti-money laundering

APIL                    Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (www.apil.org.uk)

AQ                      Allocation Questionnaire

A/S                     acknowledgement of service

ATE                     after-the-event (litigation) insurance

BAILII                  British and Irish Legal Information Institute (www.bailii.org)

BAME                 Black, Asian and minority ethnic

BCM                   Better Case Management

BC                       Bar Council (je nach Kontext ggf. auch: Borough Council)

BMIF                  Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund

B&PC                 Business & Property Courts (Abteilung des High Court, Chancery Division)

BSB                     Bar Standards Board (www.barstandardsboard.org.uk)

BTE                     before-the-event (litigation) insurance; auch: LEI

C                         Chancellor (Oberster Richter am High Court, Chancery Division)

CA                       Court of Appeal (auch: EWCA)

CC                       County Court (je nach Kontext u.U. auch County Council)

CCA 1984          County Courts Act 1984

CCBC                  The County Courts Business Centre, Northampton

CCMC                 costs and case management conference

CCR                    County Court Rules 1981

CDD                    client due diligence

CEA                     Civil Evidence Act 1968, 1972, 1995

CEDR                  The Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (www.cedr.com)

CFA                     conditional fee agreement

CG                       Chancery Guide

ChBA                  Chancery Bar Association (www.chba.org.uk)

ChD                     Chancery Division

ChFDR                Chancery financial dispute resolution

CJ                        Circuit Judge

CJEU                   Court of Justice of the European Union (bis 1.12.2009 "ECJ") 

CJC                      Civil Justice Council

CLS                     Community Legal Service

CLSA 1990         Courts and Legal Services Act 1990

CMC                   case management conference

CNF                    claims notification form

COMBAR           The Commercial Bar Association (www.combar.com)

Comm Ct           Commercial Court

CPD                    continuing professional development

CPFO                  Civil Proceedings Fee Order 2008

CPR                     Civil Procedure Rules 1998

DBA                    damages-based agreement

DDJ                     Deputy District Judge

DJ                        District Judge

DPS                    Disclosure Pilot Scheme

DQ                      directions questionnaire

DRD                    disclosure review document

DX                      document exchange

EAT                     Employment Appeal Tribunal

ECHR                  European Court of Human Rights

ECJ                      European Court of Justice (now CJEU)

ENE                    early neutral evaluation

EWCA                 England and Wales Court of Appeal (auch: CA)

EWHC                 The High Court of Justice of England and Wales

FamD                 Family Division

FOCIS                 Forum of Complex Injury Solicitors (https://focis.org.uk)

FRC                     fixed recoverable costs

GHRs                  Guideline hourly rates for solicitors (www.gov.uk/guidance/solicitors-guideline-hourly-rates )

GLO                    group litigation order

HCJ                     High Court Judge

HL                       House of Lords (seit 10/2009 ersetzt durch den Supreme Court, SC)

HMCS                 Her/His Majesty’s Courts System (2005 bis 2011)

HMCTS               Her/His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal System (seit 2011)

HMRC                 Her/His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs

HWF                   help with fees (siehe auch Formular EX160A)

IBA                     The International Bar Association

ICL                      The Insolvency and Companies List

ICLR                    The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England & Wales (www.iclr.co.uk)

JAC                     Judicial Appointments Commission (https://judicialappointments.gov.uk)

JCPC                   Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (www.jcpc.uk)

KBD                    King’s Bench Division (bisher: QBD)

KBG                    King’s Bench Guide (bisher: QBG)

KC                       King’s Counsel (bisher: QC)

KYC                     know your client

LA 1980             Limitation Act 1980

LBC                     letter before claim

LC                        Lord Chancellor

LCD                     Lord Chancellor's Department (jetzt: MoJ)

LCLCBA              London Common Law & Commercial Bar Association (https://lclcba.com)

LCJ                      Lord Chief Justice

LEI                      legal expenses insurance; siehe auch: BTE

LFA                     litigation funding agreement

LJ                         Lord Justice

LJJ                       List of Lords Justices (Berufungsrichter)

LL                        Law Lord

LSB                     Legal Services Board (https://legalservicesboard.org.uk)

LSLA                   London Solicitors Litigation Association (www.lsla.co.uk)

Mag.                   Magistrate

MCOL                 Money Claim Online (www.moneyclaim.gov.uk)

MF                     McKenzie friend (neuerdings auch häufiger „litigation friend“)

MJ                       Mr. Justice

MoJ                    Ministry of Justice (www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ministry-of-justice)

MR                      Master of the Rolls

MRO                  medical reporting organization

NCBA                 Northern Chancery Bar Association (www.nchba.org.uk)

ODR                    online dispute resolution

OIC                     Official Injury Claim (www.officialinjuryclaim.org.uk)

OLC                    Office for Legal Complaints (www.legalombudsman.org.uk)

P                         President

PBA                    Property Bar Association (www.propertybar.org.uk)

PC                       Privy Council

PCO                    protective costs order

PCOL                  Possession claim online (www.gov.uk/possession-claim-online-recover-property)

PD                       Practice Direction

PI                        personal injury

PIBA                   Personal Injuries Bar Association (www.piba.org.uk)

PII                       professional indemnity insurance

PI Protocol        pre-action protocol for personal injury claims

POC                    particulars of claim

PTR                     pre-trial review

QBD                    Queen’s Bench Division (nun: KBD)

QBG                    Queen’s Bench Guide (nun: KBG)

QC                       Queen’s Counsel (nun: KC)

QOCS                 qualified one-way costs shifting

RCJ                      Royal Courts of Justice

REL                      Registered European Lawyer (seit Brexit nicht mehr relevant)

RFL                      Registered Foreign Lawyer

RSC                     Rules of the Supreme Court 1965

RTA                    road traffic accident

SC                       Supreme Court (oft auch zitiert als: UKSC)

SCA 1981           Senior Courts Act 1981

Sch                     Schedule

SCR                     Supreme Court Rules 2009

SDT                     Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (www.solicitorstribunal.org.uk)

SI                         statutory instrument

SJE                      single joint expert

SRA                     Solicitor’s Regulation Authority (www.sra.org.uk

TCC                     Technology and Construction Court

TECBAR              Technology and Construction Bar Association (https://tecbar.org)

TeCSA                Technology and Construction Solicitors Association (https://tecsa.org.uk)

TPF                     third party funding

UKSC                  The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (oft auch nur: SC)

VC                       Vice Chancellor

Die Liste ist ein Auszug aus dem Handbuch "Der Zivilprozess in England"

Kategorie: ProzessrechtWirtschaftsrecht

Bernhard Schmeilzl

Bernhard Schmeilzl

Rechtsanwalt & Master of Laws

+49 (0) 941 463 7070 schmeilzl@grafpartner.com

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